Ласкаво просимо до навчальної програми з безпеки радіологічних об'єктів!

Цей курс призначений для ознайомлення із різними аспектами управління ризиками в сфері безпеки на радіологічних об'єктах. Цілі та завдання програми полягають у тому, щоб надати Вам інструменти для проведення оцінювання базових параметрів. 

Ми сподіваємося, що програма допоможе Вам розбудувати потенціал, необхідний для впровадження належних систем захисту на Ваших об’єктах.

Under the FIRST Program, you are invited to attend a series of online engagements to discuss stakeholder engagement and communication strategies. This program is designed to 1) assist Latvia in applying best practices in stakeholder engagement to their existing strategy, and 2) further develop their strategy for timely implementation in order to address stakeholder awareness and understanding and provide actionable support for Latvia’s nuclear program.  The materials available within these modules are intended to be optional and to serve as supplemental to the webinar itself. 

In collaboration with the Foundational Infrastructure for Responsible Use of SMR Technology (FIRST) program, CRDF Global invites you to attend a series of online engagements to discuss safety and security at nuclear facilities. This series of activities is designed for professionals working in the nuclear sector, regulators, academics, and other government officials from Ghana. The goal of this series of engagements is to engage in safe, remote dialogue regarding nuclear security issues during extreme weather events while experiencing the impacts of COVID-19 on travel and in-person engagements. Particular attention will be given to the importance of raising safety and security awareness amongst nuclear practitioners and developing a robust and comprehensive severe weather action plan.

CRDF Global is launching a six-month program for women in the nuclear security and nonproliferation communities around the world to create projects that can further benefit women at their home institutions and local communities.  This project is implemented with generous support from Global Affairs Canada (GAC) as part of its Feminist Foreign Policy to foster rights-based, open, and inclusive societies where all people, regardless of their gender, can fully benefit from equal participation in economic, political, social and cultural life to build a safer and more prosperous world. The program will include skill-development training, support from CRDF Global on implementing a proposed project at the grantee’s home institution, and a two-day Capstone Meeting in Vienna (subject to COVID-19 pandemic travel restrictions). Please see more details about the schedule and requirements in the Application Information attachment below.

In collaboration with the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS), CRDF Global invites you to attend a series of online engagements to discuss cyber security at nuclear facilities. This series of activities is designed for professionals working in the nuclear sector, regulators, academics, and other government officials from South and Southeast Asia. The goal of this series of engagements is to engage in safe, remote dialogue regarding nuclear security issues while experiencing the impacts of COVID-19 on travel and in-person engagements. Particular attention will be given to the importance of raising cyber security awareness amongst nuclear practitioners and developing a robust and comprehensive nuclear security culture that includes cyber risks.

In collaboration with the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS), CRDF Global is hosting a series of virtual training sessions on international nuclear security concepts. This webinar series is designed for nuclear operators, scientists, engineers, technicians - academicians, government regulators, and other officials from South Asia. The goal of this training is to engage in safe, remote dialogue regarding nuclear security issues while experiencing the impacts of COVID-19 on travel and in-person engagements.

In collaboration with the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS), CRDF Global is hosting a series of virtual training sessions on international nuclear security concepts. This webinar series is designed for nuclear operators, scientists, engineers, technicians - academicians, government regulators, and other officials from South Asia. The goal of this training is to engage in safe, remote dialogue regarding nuclear security issues while experiencing the impacts of COVID-19 on travel and in-person engagements.

Practice making a course before creating the WINS course.